Compression Therapy

What is compression therapy?

Compression therapy used to mean wearing stockings to control swelling and assist with circulation. The latest generation of compression therapy uses air-filled devices to aid in recovery by removing lactic acid and swelling out of targeted areas of the body, typically the arms and legs, to speed the body’s normal recovery process. 

How does it work?

Compression therapy works by applying controlled pressure to the surface veins, keeping their diameter small and forcing blood back into the deep vein system which in turn pushes the blood uphill towards the heart. Improved blood flow aids in the healing of active ulcers and in preventing ulcer recurrences. At the same time, it supports your veins and decreases swelling.

What are the potential benefits of using Compression therapy?

  • Reducing swelling and inflammation.

  • Speeding up muscle recovery.

  • Preventing delayed-onset muscle soreness.

  • Relieving muscle pain.

  • Improving athletic performance.

  • Increasing flexibility and range of motion.

  • Removing exercise-related wastes, like lactic acid.

  • Decreasing muscle fatigue.

  • Lactic acid and lymphatic flushing, thus removing toxins.

  • Helps prevent and eliminate first-stage varicose veins.
